cloud native – Docker Thu, 28 Sep 2023 15:17:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cloud native – Docker 32 32 Get Started with the Microcks Docker Extension for API Mocking and Testing Thu, 28 Sep 2023 15:04:00 +0000 In the dynamic landscape of software development, collaborations often lead to innovative solutions that simplify complex challenges. The Docker and Microcks partnership is a prime example, demonstrating how the relationship between two industry leaders can reshape local application development.

This article delves into the collaborative efforts of Docker and Microcks, spotlighting the emergence of the Microcks Docker Desktop Extension and its transformative impact on the development ecosystem.

banner microcks extension

What is Microcks?

Microcks is an open source Kubernetes and cloud-native tool for API mocking and testing. It has been a Cloud Native Computing Foundation Sandbox project since summer 2023.  

Microcks addresses two primary use cases: 

  • Simulating (or mocking) an API or a microservice from a set of descriptive assets (specifications or contracts) 
  • Validating (or testing) the conformance of your application regarding your API specification by conducting contract-test

The unique thing about Microcks is that it offers a uniform and consistent approach for all kinds of request/response APIs (REST, GraphQL, gRPC, SOAP) and event-driven APIs (currently supporting eight different protocols) as shown in Figure 1.

Illustration of various APIs and protocols covered by Microcks, including REST, GraphQL, gRPC, SOAP Kafka broker, MQTT, and RabbitMQ.
Figure 1: Microcks covers all kinds of APIs.

Microcks speeds up the API development life cycle by shortening the feedback loop from the design phase and easing the pain of provisioning environments with many dependencies. All these features establish Microcks as a great help to enforce backward compatibility of your API of microservices interfaces.  

So, for developers, Microcks brings consistency, convenience, and speed to your API lifecycle.

Why run Microcks as a Docker Desktop Extension?

Although Microcks is a powerhouse, running it as a Docker Desktop Extension takes the developer experience, ease of use, and rapid iteration in the inner loop to new levels. With Docker’s containerization capabilities seamlessly integrated, developers no longer need to navigate complex setups or wrestle with compatibility issues. It’s a plug-and-play solution that transforms the development environment into a playground for innovation.

The simplicity of running Microcks as a Docker extension is a game-changer. Developers can effortlessly set up and deploy Microcks in their existing Docker environment, eliminating the need for extensive configurations. This ease of use empowers developers to focus on what they do best — building and testing APIs rather than grappling with deployment intricacies.

In agile development, rapid iterations in the inner loop are paramount. Microcks, as a Docker extension, accelerates this process. Developers can swiftly create, test, and iterate on APIs without leaving the Docker environment. This tight feedback loop ensures developers identify and address issues early, resulting in faster development cycles and higher-quality software.

The combination of two best-of-breed projects, Docker and Microcks, provides: 

  • Streamlined developer experience
  • Easiness at its core
  • Rapid iterations in the inner loop

Extension architecture

The Microcks Docker Desktop Extension has an evolving architecture depending on your enabling features. The UI that executes in Docker Desktop manages your preferences in a ~/.microcks-docker-desktop-extension folder and starts/stops/cleans the needed containers.

At its core, the architecture (Figure 2) embeds two minimal elements: the Microcks main container and a MongoDB database. The different containers of the extension run in an isolated Docker network where only the HTTP port of the main container is bound to your local host.

Illustration showing basic elements of Microcks extension architecture, including Microcks Docker network and MongoDB.
Figure 2: Microcks extension default architecture.

Through the Settings panel offered by the extension (Figure 3), you can tune the port binding and enable more features, such as:

  • The support of asynchronous APIs mocking and testing via the usefulness of AsyncAPI with Kafka and WebSocket
  • The ability to run Postman collection tests in Microcks includes support for Postman testing.
Screenshot of Microcks Settings panel showing "Enable asynchronous APIs" and "Enable testing with Postman" options.
Figure 3: Microcks extension Settings panel.

When applied, your settings are persistent in your ~/.microcks-docker-desktop-extension folder, and the extension augments the initial architecture with the required services. Even though the extension starts with additional containers, they are carefully crafted and chosen to be lightweight and consume as few resources as possible. For example, we selected the Redpanda Kafka-compatible broker for its super-light experience. 

The schema shown in Figure 4 illustrates such a “maximal architecture” for the extension:

 Illustration showing maximal architecture of Microcks extension including MongoDB, Microcks Postman runtime, Microcks Async Minion, and Redpanda Kafka Broker.
Figure 4: Microcks extension maximal architecture.

The Docker Desktop Extension architecture encapsulates the convergence of Docker’s containerization capabilities and Microcks’ API testing prowess. This collaborative endeavor presents developers with a unified interface to toggle between these functionalities seamlessly. The architecture ensures a cohesive experience, enabling developers to harness the power of both Docker and Microcks without the need for constant tool switching.

Getting started

Getting started with the Docker Desktop Extension is a straightforward process that empowers developers to leverage the benefits of unified development. The extension can be easily integrated into existing workflows, offering a familiar interface within Docker. This seamless integration streamlines the setup process, allowing developers to dive into their projects without extensive configuration.

Here are the steps for installing Microcks as a Docker Desktop Extension:
1. Choose Add Extensions in the left sidebar (Figure 5).

Screenshot of Docker Desktop with red arrow pointing to the Add Extensions option in the left sidebar.
Figure 5: Add extensions in the Docker Desktop.

2. Switch to the Browse tab.

3. In the Filters drop-down, select the Testing Tools category.

4. Find Microcks and then select Install (Figure 6).

Screenshot of Microcks extension with red arrow pointing to Open in upper right corner.
Figure 6: Find and open Microcks.

Launching Microcks

The next step is to launch Microcks (Figure 7).

Screenshot of Microcks showing red arrow pointing to rectangular blue button that says "Launch Microcks"
Figure 7: Launch Microcks.

The Settings panel allows you to configure some options, like whether you’d like to enable the asynchronous APIs features (default is disabled) and if you’d need to set an offset to ports used to access the services (Figures 8 and 9).

 Screenshot of Microcks showing green oval that says "Running" next to text reading: Microcks is running. To access the UI navigate to: http://localhost:8080.
Figure 8: Microcks is up and running.
Screenshot of Microcks dashboard showing green button that says APIs | Services. This option lets you browse, get info, and request/response mocks on Microcks managed APIs & Services.
Figure 9: Access asynchronous APIs and services.

Sample app deployment

To illustrate the real-world implications of the Docker Desktop Extension, consider a sample application deployment. As developers embark on local application development, the Docker Desktop Extension enables them to create, test, and iterate on their containers while leveraging Microcks’ API mocking and testing capabilities.

This combined approach ensures that the application’s containerization and API aspects are thoroughly validated, resulting in a higher quality end product. Check out the three-minute “Getting Started with Microcks Docker Desktop Extension” video for more information.


The Docker and Microcks partnership, exemplified by the Docker Desktop Extension, signifies a milestone in collaborative software development. By harmonizing containerization and API testing, this collaboration addresses the challenges of fragmented workflows, accelerating development cycles and elevating the quality of applications.

By embracing the capabilities of Docker and Microcks, developers are poised to embark on a journey characterized by efficiency, reliability, and collaborative synergy.

Remember that Microcks is a Cloud Native Computing Sandbox project supported by an open community, which means you, too, can help make Microcks even greater. Come and say hi on our GitHub discussion or Zulip chat 🐙, send some love through GitHub stars ⭐️, or follow us on Twitter, Mastodon, LinkedIn, and our YouTube channel.

Learn more

Getting Started with Microcks Docker Desktop Extension nonadult
Introducing the Docker+Wasm Technical Preview Mon, 24 Oct 2022 14:00:00 +0000 Editor’s note: With the release of Docker Desktop 4.15, Docker+Wasm is now in beta! Check out the documentation to learn more.

The Technical Preview of Docker+Wasm is now available! Wasm has been producing a lot of buzz recently, and this feature will make it easier for you to quickly build applications targeting Wasm runtimes.

As part of this release, we’re also happy to announce that Docker will be joining the Bytecode Alliance as a voting member. The Bytecode Alliance is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating secure new software foundations, building on standards such as WebAssembly and WebAssembly System Interface (WASI).

bytecode alliance logo

What is Wasm?

WebAssembly, often shortened to Wasm, is a relatively new technology that allows you to compile application code written in over 40+ languages (including Rust, C, C++, JavaScript, and Golang) and run it inside sandboxed environments.

The original use cases were focused on running native code in web browsers, such as Figma, AutoCAD, and Photoshop. In fact, saw a 20x speed improvement when converting their web-based DNA sequence quality analyzer to Wasm. And Disney built their Disney+ Application Development Kit on top of Wasm! The benefits in the browser are easy to see.

But Wasm is quickly spreading beyond the browser thanks to the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI). Companies like Vercel, Fastly, Shopify, and Cloudflare support using Wasm for running code at the edge, and Fermyon is building a platform to run Wasm microservices in the cloud.

Why Docker?

At Docker, our goal is to help developers bring their ideas to life by conquering the complexity of app development. We strive to make it easy to build, share, and run your application, regardless of the underlying technologies. By making containers accessible to all, we proved our ability to make the lives of developers easier and were recognized as the #1 most-loved developer tool.

We see Wasm as a complementary technology to Linux containers where developers can choose which technology they use (or both!) depending on the use case. And as the community explores what’s possible with Wasm, we want to help make Wasm applications easier to develop, build, and run using the experience and tools you know and love.

How do I get the technical preview?

Ready to dive in and try it for yourself? Great! But before you do, a couple quick notes to keep in mind as you start exploring:

  • Important note #1: This is a technical preview build of Docker Desktop, and things might not work as expected. Be sure to back up your containers and images before proceeding.
  • Important note #2: This preview has the containerd image store enabled and cannot be disabled. If you’re not currently using the containerd image store, then pre-existing images and containers will be inaccessible.

WASM is no longer in beta. Download Docker Desktop to start using it.

Are there any known limitations?

Yes! This is an early technical preview and we’re still working on making the experience as smooth as possible. But here are a few things you should be aware of:

  1. Docker Compose may not exit cleanly when interrupted
    • Workaround: Clean up docker-compose processes by sending them a SIGKILL (killall -9 docker-compose).
  2. Pushes to Hub might give an error stating server message: insufficient_scope: authorization failed, even after logging in using Docker Desktop
    • Workaround: Run docker login in the CLI

Okay, so how does the Wasm integration actually work?

We’re glad you asked! First off, we need to remind you that since this is a technical preview, things may change quite rapidly. But here’s how it currently works.

  1. We’re leveraging our recent work to migrate image management to containerd, as it provides the ability to use both OCI-compatible artifacts and containerd shims.
  2. We collaborated with WasmEdge to create a containerd shim. This shim extracts the Wasm module from the OCI artifact and runs it using the WasmEdge runtime.
  3. We added support to declare the Wasm runtime, which will enable the use of this new shim.
docker containerd wasm diagram

Let’s look at an example!

After installing the preview, we can run the following command to start an example Wasm application:

docker run -dp 8080:8080 --name=wasm-example --runtime=io.containerd.wasmedge.v1 --platform=wasi/wasm32 michaelirwin244/wasm-example

Since a few of the flags might be unfamiliar, let’s explain what they’re doing:

  • --runtime=io.containerd.wasmedge.v1 – This informs the Docker engine that we want to use the Wasm containerd shim instead of the standard Linux container runtime
  • --platform=wasi/wasm32 – This specifies the architecture of the image we want to use. By leveraging a Wasm architecture, we don’t need to build separate images for the different architectures. The Wasm runtime will do the final step of converting the Wasm binary to machine instructions.

After the image is pulled, the runtime reads the ENTRYPOINT of the image to locate and extract the Wasm module. The module is then loaded into the Wasm runtime, started, and networking is configured. We now have a Wasm app running on our machine!

This particular application is a simple web server that says “Hello world!” and echos data back to us. To verify it’s working, let’s first view the logs.

docker logs wasm-example
Server is now running

We can get the “Hello world” message by either opening to http://localhost:8080 or using curl.

curl localhost:8080

And our response will give us a Hello world message:

Hello world from Rust running with Wasm! Send POST data to /echo to have it echoed back to you

To send data to the echo endpoint, we can use curl:

curl localhost:8080/echo -d '{"message":"Hi there"}' -H "Content-type: application/json"

And we’ll see the data sent back to use in the response:

{"message":"Hi there"}

To remove the application, you can remove it as you do any other Docker service:

docker rm -f wasm-example

The new integration means you can run a Wasm application alongside your Linux containers (even with Compose). To learn more, check out the docs!

What’s next for Wasm and Docker?

Another great question! Wasm is rapidly growing and evolving, including exploration on how to support multi-threading, garbage collection, and more. There are also many still-to-tackle challenges, including shortening the developer feedback loop and possible paths to production.

So try it out yourself and then let us know your thoughts or feedback on the public roadmap. We’d love to hear from you!

Docker and Wasm Working Together? Find Out How at Wasm Day NA Wed, 19 Oct 2022 14:00:00 +0000 wasm is awesome docker

Editor’s note: The Docker+Wasm Technical Preview is now available. Find out more about the preview and try it for yourself!

You may have seen some hype around WebAssembly, or Wasm, as it’s often called. It’s a relatively new technology that allows you to compile application code written in languages like Rust, C, C++, Javascript, and Golang to byte code, then run it inside a sandboxed environment.

So why all the hype? Well, those sandboxed environments can run in a large variety of locations — including your web browser using a Javascript virtual machine. Not only does this mean the sandbox benefits from billions of dollars of investment in security, speed, and cross compatibility, it also means you can run existing code in your browser with some minor changes. And before you ask, yes, it can run Doom.

But running Doom in the browser is just one use case. Companies like WasmEdge are using Tensorflow to push the boundaries of what can be run with Wasm. Fermyon is building tools for Wasm to be used in microservices, while Vercel, Fastly, Shopify, and Cloudflare use Wasm for running code at the edge. Figma is using Wasm to provide higher performance in the browser for their application, and their new parent company Adobe is bringing their desktop applications to the Web using Wasm.

If all those examples don’t excite you about what’s possible with Wasm, I’m not sure what will!

How do Docker and Wasm fit together?

So what is Docker doing with Wasm? We see Wasm and containers as complementary technologies. The problem you’re solving will make one or the other more applicable, but they’re compatible, and should work well together in your cloud native application.

It really comes down to the use case. For example, Wasm’s quick startup time is great for short lived operations, and its isolation is a good match when you need strict security guarantees enforceable at the code level. But as of now, it doesn’t have multithreading or garbage collection capabilities, so any use case with those requirements isn’t a good fit. It also requires that you rebuild your software from source to work.

Join Docker at Cloud Native Wasm Day

We’ll be at the Cloud Native Wasm Day NA in Detroit on October 24, as a Diamond sponsor, to talk about how we’re providing developers the tooling they need using development experiences they already know and love.

Justin Cormack, our CTO, will be presenting during the keynote. In his presentation, he’ll talk about how the container, Docker, and cloud native communities are embracing Wasm — and give some insights as to where we can go from here. If you’ve never seen him speak, I highly recommend it!

Michael Yuan (WasmEdge) and I will also be giving a talk to show how WASI and container workloads work together in Docker Desktop. You’ll find out when to use Wasm, the current tooling options for Wasm, and how to use Docker and Wasm together. You can check out the GitHub repo for the talk or download the Docker + Wasm preview to try it for yourself!

If you’re attending the Cloud Native Wasm Day don’t miss our keynote and talk!

Video: Docker Build: Simplify Cloud-native Development with Docker & DAPR Fri, 09 Jul 2021 15:00:00 +0000 Docker’s Peter McKee hosts serverless wizard and open sorcerer Yaron Schneider for a high-octane tour of DAPR (as in Distributed Application Runtime) and how it leverages Docker. A principal software engineer at Microsoft in Redmond, Washington, Schneider co-founded the DAPR project to make developers’ lives easier when writing distributed applications.

DAPR, which Schneider defines as “essentially a sidecar with APIs,” helps developers build event-driven, resilient distributed applications on-premises, in the cloud, or on an edge device. Lightweight and adaptable, it tries to target any type of language or framework, and can help you tackle a host of challenges that come with building microservices while keeping your code platform agnostic.

How do I reliably handle a state in a distributed environment? How do I deal with network failures when I have a lot of distributed components in my ecosystem? How do I fetch secrets securely? How do I scope down my applications? Tag along as Schneider, who also co-founded KEDA (Kubernetes-based event-driven autoscaling), demos how to “dapr-ize” applications while he and McKee discuss their favorite languages and Schneider’s collection of rare Funco pops!

Watch the video (Duration 0:50:36):
