Docker Use Case – Docker Thu, 28 Mar 2024 14:32:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Docker Use Case – Docker 32 32 Building a Video Analysis and Transcription Chatbot with the GenAI Stack Thu, 28 Mar 2024 14:32:22 +0000 Videos are full of valuable information, but tools are often needed to help find it. From educational institutions seeking to analyze lectures and tutorials to businesses aiming to understand customer sentiment in video reviews, transcribing and understanding video content is crucial for informed decision-making and innovation. Recently, advancements in AI/ML technologies have made this task more accessible than ever. 

Developing GenAI technologies with Docker opens up endless possibilities for unlocking insights from video content. By leveraging transcription, embeddings, and large language models (LLMs), organizations can gain deeper understanding and make informed decisions using diverse and raw data such as videos. 

In this article, we’ll dive into a video transcription and chat project that leverages the GenAI Stack, along with seamless integration provided by Docker, to streamline video content processing and understanding. 

2400x1260 building next gen video analysis transcription chatbot with genai stack

High-level architecture 

The application’s architecture is designed to facilitate efficient processing and analysis of video content, leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies and containerization for scalability and flexibility. Figure 1 shows an overview of the architecture, which uses Pinecone to store and retrieve the embeddings of video transcriptions. 

Two-part illustration showing “yt-whisper” process on the left, which involves downloading audio, transcribing it using Whisper (an audio transcription system), computing embeddings (mathematical representations of the audio features), and saving those embeddings into Pinecone. On the right side (labeled "dockerbot"), the process includes computing a question embedding, completing a chat with the question combined with provided transcriptions and knowledge, and retrieving relevant transcriptions.
Figure 1: Schematic diagram outlining a two-component system for processing and interacting with video data.

The application’s high-level service architecture includes the following:

  • yt-whisper: A local service, run by Docker Compose, that interacts with the remote OpenAI and Pinecone services. Whisper is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system developed by OpenAI, representing a significant milestone in AI-driven speech processing. Trained on an extensive dataset of 680,000 hours of multilingual and multitask supervised data sourced from the web, Whisper demonstrates remarkable robustness and accuracy in English speech recognition. 
  • Dockerbot: A local service, run by Docker Compose, that interacts with the remote OpenAI and Pinecone services. The service takes the question of a user, computes a corresponding embedding, and then finds the most relevant transcriptions in the video knowledge database. The transcriptions are then presented to an LLM, which takes the transcriptions and the question and tries to provide an answer based on this information.
  • OpenAI: The OpenAI API provides an LLM service, which is known for its cutting-edge AI and machine learning technologies. In this application, OpenAI’s technology is used to generate transcriptions from audio (using the Whisper model) and to create embeddings for text data, as well as to generate responses to user queries (using GPT and chat completions).
  • Pinecone: A vector database service optimized for similarity search, used for building and deploying large-scale vector search applications. In this application, Pinecone is employed to store and retrieve the embeddings of video transcriptions, enabling efficient and relevant search functionality within the application based on user queries.

Getting started

To get started, complete the following steps:

The application is a chatbot that can answer questions from a video. Additionally, it provides timestamps from the video that can help you find the sources used to answer your question.

Clone the repository 

The next step is to clone the repository:

git clone

The project contains the following directories and files:

├── docker-genai/
│ ├── docker-bot/
│ ├── yt-whisper/
│ ├── .env.example
│ ├── .gitignore
│ ├──
│ └── docker-compose.yaml

Specify your API keys

In the /docker-genai directory, create a text file called .env, and specify your API keys inside. The following snippet shows the contents of the .env.example file that you can refer to as an example.

# OpenAI
OPENAI_TOKEN=your-api-key # Replace your-api-key with your personal API key

# Pinecone
PINECONE_TOKEN=your-api-key # Replace your-api-key with your personal API key

Build and run the application

In a terminal, change directory to your docker-genai directory and run the following command:

docker compose up --build

Next, Docker Compose builds and runs the application based on the services defined in the docker-compose.yaml file. When the application is running, you’ll see the logs of two services in the terminal.

In the logs, you’ll see the services are exposed on ports 8503 and 8504. The two services are complementary to each other.

The yt-whisper service is running on port 8503. This service feeds the Pinecone database with videos that you want to archive in your knowledge database. The next section explores the yt-whisper service.

Using yt-whisper

The yt-whisper service is a YouTube video processing service that uses the OpenAI Whisper model to generate transcriptions of videos and stores them in a Pinecone database. The following steps outline how to use the service.

Open a browser and access the yt-whisper service at http://localhost:8503. Once the application appears, specify a YouTube video URL in the URL field and select Submit. The example shown in Figure 2 uses a video from David Cardozo.

Screenshot showing example of processed content with "download transcription" option for a video from David Cardozo on how to "Develop ML interactive gpu-workflows with Visual Studio Code, Docker and Docker Hub."
Figure 2: A web interface showcasing processed video content with a feature to download transcriptions.

Submitting a video

The yt-whisper service downloads the audio of the video, then uses Whisper to transcribe it into a WebVTT (*.vtt) format (which you can download). Next, it uses the “text-embedding-3-small” model to create embeddings and finally uploads those embeddings into the Pinecone database.

After the video is processed, a video list appears in the web app that informs you which videos have been indexed in Pinecone. It also provides a button to download the transcript.

Accessing Dockerbot chat service

You can now access the Dockerbot chat service on port 8504 and ask questions about the videos as shown in Figure 3.

Screenshot of Dockerbot interaction with user asking a question about Nvidia containers and Dockerbot responding with links to specific timestamps in the video.
Figure 3: Example of a user asking Dockerbot about NVIDIA containers and the application giving a response with links to specific timestamps in the video.


In this article, we explored the exciting potential of GenAI technologies combined with Docker for unlocking valuable insights from video content. It shows how the integration of cutting-edge AI models like Whisper, coupled with efficient database solutions like Pinecone, empowers organizations to transform raw video data into actionable knowledge. 

Whether you’re an experienced developer or just starting to explore the world of AI, the provided resources and code make it simple to embark on your own video-understanding projects. 

Learn more

How IKEA Retail Standardizes Docker Images for Efficient Machine Learning Model Deployment Wed, 20 Sep 2023 15:13:19 +0000 What do Docker and IKEA Retail have in common? Both companies have changed how products are built, stored, and shipped. In IKEA Retail’s case, they created the market of flat-packed furniture items, which made everything from shipping, warehousing, and delivering their furniture to the end location much easier and more cost effective. This parallels what Docker has done for developers. Docker has changed the way that software is built, shipped, and stored, with Docker Images taking up much less space “shelf” space. 

In this post, contributing authors Karan Honavar and Fernando Dorado Rueda from IKEA Retail walk through their MLOps solution, built with Docker.

v2 banner unlocking the power of production standardizing docker images for efficient ml model deployment

Machine learning (ML) deployment, the act of shifting an ML model from the developmental stage to a live production environment, is paramount to translating complex algorithms into real-world solutions. Yet, this intricate process isn’t without its challenges, including:

  1. Complexity and opacity: With ML models often veiled in complexity, deciphering their logic can be taxing. This obscurity impedes trust and complicates the explanation of decisions to stakeholders.
  2. Adaptation to changing data patterns: The shifting landscape of real-world data can deviate from training sets, causing “concept drift.” Addressing this requires vigilant retraining, an arduous task that wastes time and resources.
  3. Real-time data processing: Handling the deluge of data necessary for accurate predictions can burden systems and impede scalability.
  4. Varied deployment methods: Whether deployed locally, in the cloud, or via web services, each method brings unique challenges, adding layers of complexity to an already intricate procedure.
  5. Security and compliance: Ensuring that ML models align with rigorous regulations, particularly around private information, necessitates a focus on lawful implementation.
  6. Ongoing maintenance and monitoring: The journey doesn’t end with deployment. Constant monitoring is vital to sustain the model’s health and address emerging concerns.

These factors represent substantial obstacles, but they are not insurmountable. We can streamline the journey from the laboratory to the real world by standardizing Docker images for efficient ML model deployment. 

This article will delve into the creation, measurement, deployment, and interaction with Dockerized ML models. We will demystify the complexities and demonstrate how Docker can catalyze cutting-edge concepts into tangible benefits.

Standardization deployment process via Docker

In the dynamic realm of today’s data-driven enterprises, such as our case at IKEA Retail, the multitude of tools and deployment strategies serves both as a boon and a burden. Innovation thrives, but so too does complexity, giving rise to inconsistency and delays. The antidote? Standardization. It’s more than just a buzzword; it’s a method to pave the way to efficiency, compliance, and seamless integration.

Enter Docker, the unsung hero in this narrative. In the evolving field of ML deployment, Docker offers agility and uniformity. It has reshaped the landscape by offering a consistent environment from development to production. The beauty of Docker lies in its containerization technology, enabling developers to wrap up an application with all the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package.

At IKEA Retail, diverse teams — including hybrid data scientist teams and R&D units — conceptualize and develop models, each selecting drivers and packaging libraries according to their preferences and requirements. Although virtual environments provide a certain level of support, they can also present compatibility challenges when transitioning to a production environment. 

This is where Docker becomes an essential tool in our daily operations, offering simplification and a marked acceleration in the development and deployment process. Here are key advantages:

  • Portability: With Docker, the friction between different computing environments melts away. A container runs uniformly, regardless of where it’s deployed, bringing robustness to the entire pipeline.
  • Efficiency: Docker’s lightweight nature ensures that resources are optimally utilized, thereby reducing overheads and boosting performance.
  • Scalability: With Docker, scaling your application or ML models horizontally becomes a breeze. It aligns perfectly with the orchestrated symphony that large-scale deployment demands.

Then, there’s Seldon-Core, a solution chosen by IKEA Retail’s forward-thinking MLOps (machine learning operations) team. Why? Because it transforms ML models into production-ready microservices, regardless of the model’s origin (TensorFlow, PyTorch, H2O, etc.) or language (Python, Java, etc.). But that’s not all. Seldon-Core scales precisely, enabling everything from advanced metrics and logging to explainers and A/B testing.

This combination of Docker and Seldon-Core forms the heart of our exploration today. Together, they sketch the blueprint for a revolution in ML deployment. This synergy is no mere technical alliance; it’s a transformative collaboration that redefines deploying, monitoring, and interacting with ML models.

Through the looking glass of IKEA Retail’s experience, we’ll unearth how this robust duo — Docker and Seldon-Core — can turn a convoluted task into a streamlined, agile operation and how you can harness real-time metrics for profound insights.

Dive into this new MLOps era with us. Unlock efficiency, scalability, and a strategic advantage in ML production. Your innovation journey begins here, with Docker and Seldon-Core leading the way. This is more than a solution; it’s a paradigm shift.

In the rest of this article, we will cover deployment steps, including model preparation, encapsulating the model into an Docker image, and testing. Let’s get started.


The following items must be present to replicate this example:

  • Docker: Ensure Docker is up and running, easily achievable through solutions like Docker Desktop
  • Python: Have a local installation at the ready (+3.7)

Model preparation

Model training and simple evaluation

Embarking on the journey to deploying an ML model is much like crafting a masterpiece: The canvas must be prepared, and every brushstroke must be deliberate. However, the focus of this exploration isn’t the art itself but rather the frame that holds it — the standardization of ML models, regardless of their creation or the frameworks used.

The primary objective of this demonstration is not to augment the model’s performance but rather to elucidate the seamless transition from local development to production deployment. It is imperative to note that the methodology we present is universally applicable across different models and frameworks. Therefore, we have chosen a straightforward model as a representative example. This choice is intentional, allowing readers to concentrate on the underlying process flows, which can be readily adapted to more sophisticated models that may require refined hyperparameter tuning and meticulous model selection. 

By focusing on these foundational principles, we aim to provide a versatile and accessible guide that transcends the specificities of individual models or use cases. Let’s delve into this process.

To align with our ethos of transparency and consumer privacy and to facilitate your engagement with this approach, a public dataset is employed for a binary classification task.

In the following code excerpt, you’ll find the essence of our training approach, reflecting how we transform raw data into a model ready for real-world challenges:

import os
import pickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression, Perceptron
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score

# Load the breast cancer dataset
X, y = datasets.load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True)

# Split the dataset into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.9, random_state=0)

# Combine X_test and y_test into a single DataFrame
X_test_df = pd.DataFrame(X_test, columns=[f"feature_{i}" for i in range(X_test.shape[1])])
y_test_df = pd.DataFrame(y_test, columns=["target"])

df_test = pd.concat([X_test_df, y_test_df], axis=1)

# Define the path to store models
model_path = "models/"

# Create the folder if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(model_path):

# Define a list of classifier parameters
parameters = [
    {"clf": LogisticRegression(solver="liblinear", multi_class="ovr"), "name": f"{model_path}/binary-lr.joblib"},
    {"clf": Perceptron(eta0=0.1, random_state=0), "name": f"{model_path}/binary-percept.joblib"},

# Iterate through each parameter configuration
for param in parameters:
    clf = param["clf"]  # Retrieve the classifier from the parameter dictionary, y_train)  # Fit the classifier on the training data
    # Save the trained model to a file using pickle
    model_filename = f"{param['name']}"
    with open(model_filename, 'wb') as model_file:
        pickle.dump(clf, model_file)
    print(f"Model saved in {model_filename}")

# Simple Model Evaluation
model_path = 'models/binary-lr.joblib'
with open(model_path, 'rb') as model_file:
    loaded_model = pickle.load(model_file)

# Make predictions using the loaded model
predictions = loaded_model.predict(X_test)

# Calculate metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, f1-score)
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, predictions)
precision = precision_score(y_test, predictions)
recall = recall_score(y_test, predictions)
f1 = f1_score(y_test, predictions)

Model class creation

With the model files primed, the task at hand shifts to the crafting of the model class — an essential architectural element that will later reside within the Docker image. Like a skilled sculptor, we must shape this class, adhering to the exacting standards proposed by Seldon:

import joblib
import logging

class Score:
    Class to hold metrics for binary classification, including true positives (TP), false positives (FP),
    true negatives (TN), and false negatives (FN).
    def __init__(self, TP=0, FP=0, TN=0, FN=0):
        self.TP = TP  # True Positives
        self.FP = FP  # False Positives
        self.TN = TN  # True Negatives
        self.FN = FN  # False Negatives

class DockerModel:
    Class for loading and predicting using a pre-trained model, handling feedback to update metrics,
    and providing those metrics.
    result = {}  # Dictionary to store input data

    def __init__(self, model_name="models/binary-lr.joblib"):
        Initialize DockerModel with metrics and model name.
        :param model_name: Path to the pre-trained model.
        self.scores = Score(0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.loaded = False
        self.model_name = model_name

    def load(self):
        Load the model from the provided path.
        self.model = joblib.load(self.model_name)"Model {self.model_name} Loaded")

    def predict(self, X, features_names=None, meta=None):
        Predict the target using the loaded model.
        :param X: Features for prediction.
        :param features_names: Names of the features, optional.
        :param meta: Additional metadata, optional.
        :return: Predicted target values.
        self.result['shape_input_data'] = str(X.shape)"Received request: {X}")
        if not self.loaded:
            self.loaded = True
        predictions = self.model.predict(X)
        return predictions

    def send_feedback(self, features, feature_names, reward, truth, routing=""):
        Provide feedback on predictions and update the metrics.
        :param features: Features used for prediction.
        :param feature_names: Names of the features.
        :param reward: Reward signal, not used in this context.
        :param truth: Ground truth target values.
        :param routing: Routing information, optional.
        :return: Empty list as return value is not used.
        predicted = self.predict(features)"Predicted: {predicted[0]}, Truth: {truth[0]}")
        if int(truth[0]) == 1:
            if int(predicted[0]) == int(truth[0]):
                self.scores.TP += 1
                self.scores.FN += 1
            if int(predicted[0]) == int(truth[0]):
                self.scores.TN += 1
                self.scores.FP += 1
        return []  # Ignore return statement as its not used

    def calculate_metrics(self):
        Calculate the accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.
        :return: accuracy, precision, recall, f1_score
        total_samples = self.scores.TP + self.scores.TN + self.scores.FP + self.scores.FN

        # Check if there are any samples to avoid division by zero
        if total_samples == 0:
            logging.warning("No samples available to calculate metrics.")
            return 0, 0, 0, 0  # Return zeros for all metrics if no samples

        accuracy = (self.scores.TP + self.scores.TN) / total_samples

        # Check if there are any positive predictions to calculate precision
        positive_predictions = self.scores.TP + self.scores.FP
        precision = self.scores.TP / positive_predictions if positive_predictions != 0 else 0

        # Check if there are any actual positives to calculate recall
        actual_positives = self.scores.TP + self.scores.FN
        recall = self.scores.TP / actual_positives if actual_positives != 0 else 0

        # Check if precision and recall are non-zero to calculate F1-score
        if precision + recall == 0:
            f1_score = 0
            f1_score = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)

        # Return the calculated metrics
        return accuracy, precision, recall, f1_score

    def metrics(self):
        Generate metrics for monitoring.
        :return: List of dictionaries containing accuracy, precision, recall, and f1_score.
        accuracy, precision, recall, f1_score = self.calculate_metrics()
        return [
            {"type": "GAUGE", "key": "accuracy", "value": accuracy},
            {"type": "GAUGE", "key": "precision", "value": precision},
            {"type": "GAUGE", "key": "recall", "value": recall},
            {"type": "GAUGE", "key": "f1_score", "value": f1_score},
    def tags(self):
        Retrieve metadata when generating predictions
        :return: Dictionary the intermediate information
        return self.result

Let’s delve into the details of the functions and classes within the DockerModel class that encapsulates these four essential aspects:

  1. Loading and predicting:
    • load(): This function is responsible for importing the pretrained model from the provided path. It’s usually called internally before making predictions to ensure the model is available.
    • predict(X, features_names=None, meta=None): This function deploys the loaded model to make predictions. It takes in the input features X, optional features_names, and optional metadata meta, returning the predicted target values.
  2. Feedback handling:
    • send_feedback(features, feature_names, reward, truth, routing=""): This function is vital in adapting the model to real-world feedback. It accepts the input data, truth values, and other parameters to assess the model’s performance. The feedback updates the model’s understanding, and the metrics are calculated and stored for real-time analysis. This facilitates continuous retraining of the model.
  3. Metrics calculation:
    • calculate_metrics(): This function calculates the essential metrics of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. These metrics provide quantitative insights into the model’s performance, enabling constant monitoring and potential improvement.
    • Score class: This auxiliary class is used within the DockerModel to hold metrics for binary classification, including true positives (TP), false positives (FP), true negatives (TN), and false negatives (FN). It helps keep track of these parameters, which are vital for calculating the aforementioned metrics.
  4. Monitoring assistance:
    • metrics(): This function generates the metrics for model monitoring. It returns a list of dictionaries containing the calculated accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. These metrics are compliant with Prometheus Metrics, facilitating real-time monitoring and analysis.
    • tags(): This function is designed to retrieve custom metadata data when generating predictions, aiding in monitoring and debugging. It returns a dictionary, which can help track and understand the nature of the requests.

Together, these functions and classes form a cohesive and robust structure that supports the entire lifecycle of an ML model. From the moment of inception (loading and predicting) through its growth (feedback handling) and evaluation (metrics calculation), to its continuous vigilance (monitoring assistance), the architecture is designed to standardize and streamline the process of deploying and maintaining ML models in a real-world production environment.

This model class is more than code; it’s the vessel that carries our ML model from a local environment to the vast sea of production. It’s the vehicle for standardization, unlocking efficiency and consistency in deploying models.

At this stage, we’ve prepared the canvas and outlined the masterpiece. Now, it’s time to dive deeper and explore how this model is encapsulated into a Docker image, an adventure that blends technology and strategy to redefine ML deployment. 

Testing model locally

Before venturing into creating a Docker image, testing the model locally is vital. This step acts as a rehearsal before the main event, providing a chance to ensure that the model is performing as expected with the testing data.

The importance of local testing lies in its ability to catch issues early, avoiding potential complications later in the deployment process. Following the example code provided below, it can confirm that the model is ready for its next phase if it provides the expected prediction in the expected format:

from DockerModel import DockerModel 
demoModel = DockerModel() 
demoModel.predict(X_test) # Can take the entire testing dataset or individual predictions

The expected output should match the format of the class labels you anticipate from the model. If everything works correctly, you’re assured that the model is well prepared for the next grand step: encapsulation within a Docker image.

Local testing is more than a technical process; it’s a quality assurance measure that stands as a gatekeeper, ensuring that only a well-prepared model moves forward. It illustrates the meticulous care taken in the deployment process, reflecting a commitment to excellence that transcends code and resonates with the core values of standardization and efficiency.

With the local testing accomplished, we stand on the threshold of a new frontier: creating the Docker image. Let’s continue this exciting journey, knowing each step is a stride toward innovation and mastery in ML deployment.

Encapsulating the model into a Docker image

In our IKEA Retail MLOps view, a model is not simply a collection of code. Rather, it is a sophisticated assembly comprising code, dependencies, and ML artifacts, all encapsulated within a versioned and registered Docker image. This composition is carefully designed, reflecting the meticulous planning of the physical infrastructure.

What is Docker’s role in MLOps?

Docker plays a vital role in MLOps, providing a standardized environment that streamlines the transition from development to production:

  • Streamlining deployment: Docker containers encapsulate everything an ML model needs to run, easing the deployment process.
  • Facilitating collaboration: Using Docker, data scientists and engineers can ensure that models and their dependencies remain consistent across different stages of development.
  • Enhancing model reproducibility: Docker provides a uniform environment that enhances the reproducibility of models, a critical aspect in machine learning.
  • Integrating with orchestration tools: Docker can be used with orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, enabling automated deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

Docker and containerization are more than technology tools; they catalyze innovation and efficiency in MLOps. Ensuring consistency, scalability and agility, Docker unlocks new potential and opens the way for a more agile and robust ML deployment process. Whether you are a developer, a data scientist, or an IT professional, understanding Docker is critical to navigating the complex and multifaceted landscape of modern data-driven applications.

Dockerfile creation

Creating a Dockerfile is like sketching the architectural plan of a building. It outlines the instructions for creating a Docker image to run the application in a coherent, isolated environment. This design ensures that the entire model — including its code, dependencies, and unique ML artifacts — is treated as a cohesive entity, aligning with the overarching vision of IKEA Retail’s MLOps approach.

In our case, we have created a Dockerfile with the express purpose of encapsulating not only the code but all the corresponding artifacts of the model. This deliberate design facilitates a smooth transition to production, effectively bridging the gap between development and deployment.

We used the following Dockerfile for this demonstration, which represents a tangible example of how IKEA Retail’s MLOps approach is achieved through thoughtful engineering and strategic implementation.

# Use an official Python runtime as a parent image.
# Using a slim image for a smaller final size and reduced attack surface.
FROM python:3.9-slim

# Set the maintainer label for metadata.
LABEL maintainer=""

# Set environment variables for a consistent build behavior.
# Disabling the buffer helps to log messages synchronously.

# Set a working directory inside the container to store all our project files.

# First, copy the requirements file to leverage Docker's cache for dependencies.
# By doing this first, changes to the code will not invalidate the cached dependencies.
COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt

# Install the required packages listed in the requirements file.
# It's a good practice to include the --no-cache-dir flag to prevent the caching of dependencies
# that aren't necessary for executing the application.
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

# Copy the rest of the code and model files into the image.
COPY models/    models/

# Expose ports that the application will run on.
# Port 5000 for GRPC
# Port 9000 for REST
EXPOSE 5000 9000

# Set environment variables used by the application.

# Change the owner of the directory to user 8888 for security purposes.
# It can prevent unauthorised write access by the application itself.
# Make sure to run the application as this non-root user later if applicable.
RUN chown -R 8888 /app

# Use the exec form of CMD so that the application you run will receive UNIX signals.
# This is helpful for graceful shutdown.
# Here we're using seldon-core-microservice to serve the model.
CMD exec seldon-core-microservice $MODEL_NAME --service-type $SERVICE_TYPE

This Dockerfile contains different parts:

  • FROM python:3.9-slim: This line chooses the official Python 3.9 slim image as the parent image. It is favored for its reduced size and attack surface, enhancing both efficiency and security.
  • LABEL maintainer="": A metadata label that specifies the maintainer of the image, providing contact information.
  • ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1: Disabling Python’s output buffering ensures that log messages are emitted synchronously, aiding in debugging and log analysis.
  • WORKDIR /app: Sets the working directory inside the container to /app, a centralized location for all project files.
  • COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt: Copies the requirements file into the image. Doing this before copying the rest of the code leverages Docker’s caching mechanism, making future builds faster. This file must contain the “seldon-core” package:
  • RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt: Installs required packages as listed in the requirements file. The flag -no-cache-dir prevents unnecessary caching of dependencies, reducing the image size.
  • COPY Copies the main Python file into the image.
  • COPY models/ models/: Copies the model files into the image.
  • EXPOSE 5000 9000: Exposes ports 5000 (GRPC) and 9000 (REST), allowing communication with the application inside the container.
  • ENV MODEL_NAME DockerModel: Sets the environment variable for the model name.
  • ENV SERVICE_TYPE MODEL: Sets the environment variable for the service type.
  • RUN chown -R 8888 /app: Changes the owner of the directory to user 8888. Running the application as a non-root user helps mitigate the risk of unauthorized write access.
  • CMD exec seldon-core-microservice $MODEL_NAME --service-type $SERVICE_TYPE: Executes the command to start the service using seldon-core-microservice. It also includes the model name and service type as parameters. Using exec ensures the application receives UNIX signals, facilitating graceful shutdown.

Building and pushing Docker image

1. Installing Docker Desktop

If not already installed, Docker Desktop is recommended for this task. Docker Desktop provides a graphical user interface that simplifies the process of building, running, and managing Docker containers. Docker Desktop also supports Kubernetes, offering an easy way to create a local cluster.

2. Navigating to the Project directory

Open a terminal or command prompt.

Navigate to the folder where the Dockerfile and other necessary files are located.

3. Building the Image

Execute the command: docker build . -t docker-model:1.0.0.

  • docker build . instructs Docker to build the image using the current directory (.).
  • -t docker-model:1.0.0 assigns a name (docker-model) and tag (1.0.0) to the image.

The build process will follow the instructions defined in the Dockerfile, creating a Docker image encapsulating the entire environment needed to run the model.

4. Pushing the image

If needed, the image can be pushed to a container registry like Docker Hub, or a private registry within an organization.

For this demonstration, the image is being kept in the local container registry, simplifying the process and removing the need for authentication with an external registry.

Deploy ML model using Docker: Unleash it into the world

Once the Docker image is built, running it is relatively straightforward. Let’s break down this process:

docker run --rm --name docker-model -p 9000:9000 docker-model:1.0.0

Components of the command:

  1. docker run: This is the base command to run a Docker container.
  2. -rm: This flag ensures that the Docker container is automatically removed once it’s stopped. It helps keep the environment clean, especially when you run containers for testing or short-lived tasks.
  3. -name docker-model: Assigns a name to the running container.
  4. p 9000:9000: This maps port 9000 on the host machine to port 9000 on the Docker container. The format is p <host_port>:<container_port>. Because the Dockerfile mentions that the application will be exposing ports 5000 for GRPC and 9000 for REST, this command makes sure the REST endpoint is available to external users or applications through port 9000 on the host.
  5. docker-model:1.0.0: This specifies the name and tag of the Docker image to run. docker-model is the name, and 1.0.0 is the version tag we assigned during the build process.

What happens next

On executing the command, Docker will initiate a container instance from the docker-model:1.0.0 image.

The application within the Docker container will start and begin listening for requests on port 9000 (as specified).

With the port mapping, any incoming requests on port 9000 of the host machine will be forwarded to port 9000 of the Docker container.

The application can now be accessed and interacted with as if it were running natively on the host machine.

Test deployed model using Docker

With the Docker image in place, it’s time to see the model in action.

Generate predictions

The path from model to prediction is a delicate process, requiring an understanding of the specific input-output type that Seldon accommodates (e.g., ndarray, JSON data, STRDATA).

In our scenario, the model anticipates an array, and thus, the key in our payload is “ndarray.” Here’s how we orchestrate this:

import requests
import json

URL = "http://localhost:9000/api/v1.0/predictions"

def send_prediction_request(data):
    # Create the headers for the request
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

        # Send the POST request
        response =, headers=headers, json=data)
        # Check if the request was successful
        response.raise_for_status() # Will raise HTTPError if the HTTP request returned an unsuccessful status code
        # If successful, return the JSON data
        return response.json()
    except requests.ConnectionError:
        raise Exception("Failed to connect to the server. Is it running?")
    except requests.Timeout:
        raise Exception("Request timed out. Please try again later.")
    except requests.RequestException as err:
        # For any other requests exceptions, re-raise it
        raise Exception(f"An error occurred with your request: {err}")


# Define the data payload (We can also use X_test[0:1].tolist() instead of the raw array)
data_payload = {
    "data": {
        "ndarray": [
                1.340e+01, 2.052e+01, 8.864e+01, 5.567e+02, 1.106e-01, 1.469e-01,
                1.445e-01, 8.172e-02, 2.116e-01, 7.325e-02, 3.906e-01, 9.306e-01,
                3.093e+00, 3.367e+01, 5.414e-03, 2.265e-02, 3.452e-02, 1.334e-02,
                1.705e-02, 4.005e-03, 1.641e+01, 2.966e+01, 1.133e+02, 8.444e+02,
                1.574e-01, 3.856e-01, 5.106e-01, 2.051e-01, 3.585e-01, 1.109e-01

# Get the response and print it
    response = send_prediction_request(data_payload)
    pretty_json_response = json.dumps(response, indent=4)  
except Exception as err:

The prediction of our model will be similar to this dictionary:

    "data": {
        "names": [],
        "ndarray": [
    "meta": {
        "metrics": [
                "key": "accuracy",
                "type": "GAUGE",
                "value": 0
                "key": "precision",
                "type": "GAUGE",
                "value": 0
                "key": "recall",
                "type": "GAUGE",
                "value": 0
                "key": "f1_score",
                "type": "GAUGE",
                "value": 0
        "tags": {
            "shape_input_data": "(1, 30)"

The response from the model will contain several keys:

  • "data": Provides the generated output by our model. In our case, it’s the predicted class.
  • "meta": Contains metadata and model metrics. It shows the actual values of the classification metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, and f1_score.
  • "tags": Contains intermediate metadata. This could include anything you want to track, such as the shape of the input data.

The structure outlined above ensures that not only can we evaluate the final predictions, but we also gain insights into intermediate results. These insights can be instrumental in understanding predictions and debugging any potential issues.

This stage marks a significant milestone in our journey from training a model to deploying and testing it within a Docker container. We’ve seen how to standardize an ML model and how to set it up for real-world predictions. With this foundation, you’re well-equipped to scale, monitor, and further integrate this model into a full-fledged production environment.

Send feedback in real-time and calculate metrics

The provisioned /feedback endpoint facilitates this learning by allowing truth values to be sent back to the model once they are available. As these truth values are received, the model’s metrics are updated and can be scraped by other tools for real-time analysis and monitoring. In the following code snippet, we iterate over the test dataset and send the truth value to the /feedback endpoint, using a POST request:

import requests
import json

URL = "http://localhost:9000/api/v1.0/feedback"

def send_prediction_feedback(data):
    # Create the headers for the request
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

        # Send the POST request
        response =, headers=headers, json=data)
        # Check if the request was successful
        response.raise_for_status() # Will raise HTTPError if the HTTP request returned an unsuccessful status code
        # If successful, return the JSON data
        return response.json()
    except requests.ConnectionError:
        raise Exception("Failed to connect to the server. Is it running?")
    except requests.Timeout:
        raise Exception("Request timed out. Please try again later.")
    except requests.RequestException as err:
        # For any other requests exceptions, re-raise it
        raise Exception(f"An error occurred with your request: {err}")

for i in range(len(X_test)):
    payload = {'request': {'data': {'ndarray': [X_test[i].tolist()]}}, 'truth': {'data': {'ndarray': [int(y_test[i])]}}}

    # Get the response and print it
        response = send_prediction_feedback(payload)
        pretty_json_response = json.dumps(response, indent=4)  # Pretty-print JSON
    except Exception as err:

After processing the feedback, the model calculates and returns key metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. These metrics are then available for analysis:

    "data": {
        "ndarray": []
    "meta": {
        "metrics": [
                "key": "accuracy",
                "type": "GAUGE",
                "value": 0.92607003
                "key": "precision",
                "type": "GAUGE",
                "value": 0.9528302
                "key": "recall",
                "type": "GAUGE",
                "value": 0.9294478
                "key": "f1_score",
                "type": "GAUGE",
                "value": 0.9409938
        "tags": {
            "shape_input_data": "(1, 30)"Ω

What makes this approach truly powerful is that the model’s evolution is no longer confined to the training phase. Instead, it’s in a continual state of learning, adjustment, and refinement, based on real-world feedback.

This way, we’re not just deploying a static prediction engine but fostering an evolving intelligent system that can better align itself with the changing landscape of data it interprets. It’s a holistic approach to machine learning deployment that encourages continuous improvement and real-time adaptation.


At IKEA Retail, Docker has become an indispensable element in our daily MLOps activities, serving as a catalyst that accelerates the development and deployment of models, especially when transitioning to production. The transformative impact of Docker unfolds through a spectrum of benefits that not only streamlines our workflow but also fortifies it:

  • Standardization: Docker orchestrates a consistent environment during the development and deployment of any ML model, fostering uniformity and coherence across the lifecycle.
  • Compatibility: With support for diverse environments and seamless multi-cloud or on-premise integration, Docker bridges gaps and ensures a harmonious workflow.
  • Isolation: Docker ensures that applications and resources are segregated, offering an isolated environment that prioritizes efficiency and integrity.
  • Security: Beyond mere isolation, Docker amplifies security by completely segregating applications from each other. This robust separation empowers us with precise control over traffic flow and management, laying a strong foundation of trust.

These attributes translate into tangible advantages in our MLOps journey, sculpting a landscape that’s not only innovative but also robust:

  • Agile development and deployment environment: Docker ignites a highly responsive development and deployment environment, enabling seamless creation, updating, and deployment of ML models.
  • Optimized resource utilization: Utilize compute/GPU resources efficiently within a shared model, maximizing performance without compromising flexibility.
  • Scalable deployment: Docker’s architecture allows for the scalable deployment of ML models, adapting effortlessly to growing demands.
  • Smooth release cycles: Integrating seamlessly with our existing CI/CD pipelines, Docker smoothens the model release cycle, ensuring a continuous flow of innovation.
  • Effortless integration with monitoring tools: Docker’s compatibility extends to monitoring stacks like Prometheus + Grafana, creating a cohesive ecosystem fully aligned with our MLOps approach when creating and deploying models in production.

The convergence of these benefits elevates IKEA Retail’s MLOps strategy, transforming it into a symphony of efficiency, security, and innovation. Docker is not merely a tool: Docker is a philosophy that resonates with our pursuit of excellence. Docker is the bridge that connects creativity with reality, and innovation with execution.

In the complex world of ML deployment, we’ve explored a path less trodden but profoundly rewarding. We’ve tapped into the transformative power of standardization, unlocking an agile and responsive way to deploy and engage with ML models in real-time.

But this is not a conclusion; it’s a threshold. New landscapes beckon, brimming with opportunities for growth, exploration, and innovation. The following steps will continue the current approach: 

  • Scaling with Kubernetes: Unleash the colossal potential of Kubernetes, a beacon of flexibility and resilience, guiding you to a horizon of unbounded possibilities.
  • Applying real-time monitoring and alerting systems based on open source technologies, such as Prometheus and Grafana.
  • Connecting a data-drift detector for real-time detection: Deployment and integration of drift detectors to detect changes in data in real-time.

We hope this exploration will empower you to redefine your paths, ignite new ideas, and push the boundaries of what’s possible. The gateway to an extraordinary future is open, and the key is in our hands.

Learn more

Sentiment Analysis and Insights on Cryptocurrencies Using Docker and Containerized AI/ML Models Wed, 09 Aug 2023 13:33:53 +0000 Learning about and sharing ways in which those in the Docker community leverage Docker to drive innovation is always exciting. We are learning about many interesting AI/ML solutions that use Docker to accelerate development and simplify deployment. 

In this blog post, Saul Martin shares how leverages Docker to deploy and manage its machine learning models allowing its developers to focus on innovation, not infrastructure/deployment management, for their sentiment analysis of a range of cryptocurrencies to provide insights for traders.

The digital assets market, which is famously volatile and swift, necessitates tools that can keep up with its speed and provide real-time insights. At the forefront of these tools is, which has harnessed the power of Docker to build a sophisticated, high-frequency sentiment analysis platform. This tool sifts through the torrent of emotions that drive the cryptocurrency market, providing real-time sentiments of the top 100 assets, which is a valuable resource for hedge funds and financial institutions.’s leveraging of Docker’s containerization capabilities allows it to deploy and manage complex machine learning models with ease, making it an example of modern, robust, scalable architecture.

In this blog post, we will delve into how is utilizing Docker for its sentiment analysis tool, highlighting the critical aspects of its data collection, machine learning model implementations, storage, and deployment processes. This exploration will give you a clear understanding of how Docker can transform machine learning application deployment, presenting a case study in the form of

decorative word on dark background

Data collection and processing: High-frequency sentiment analysis with Docker’s comprehensive sentiment analysis capability hinges on an agile, near real-time data collection and processing infrastructure. This framework captures, enriches, and publishes an extensive range of sentiment data from diverse platforms:

  • Stream/data access: Platform-specific data pipelines tasked with real-time harvesting of cryptocurrency-related discussions hosted on siloed Docker containers.
  • Tokenization and sentiment analysis: The harvested data undergoes tokenization, transforming each content piece into a format suitable for analysis. An internal Sentiment Analysis API further enriches this tokenized data, inferring sentiment attributes from the raw information.
  • Publishing: Enriched sentiment data is published within one minute of collection, facilitating near real-time insights for users. During periods of content unavailability from a data source, the system generates and publishes an empty dictionary.

All these operations transpire within Docker containers, guaranteeing the necessary scalability, isolation, and resource efficiency to manage high-frequency data operations.

For efficient data storage, relies on:

  • NoSQL database: DynamoDB is used for storing minute-level sentiment aggregations. The primary key is defined such that it allows quick access to data based on time-range queries. These aggregations are critical for providing real-time insights to users and for hourly and daily aggregation calculations.
  • Object storage: For model retraining and data backup purposes, the raw data, including raw content, is exported in batches and stored in Amazon S3 buckets. This robust storage mechanism ensures data durability and aids in maintaining data integrity.
  • Relational database: Metadata related to different assets, including links, tickers, IDs, descriptions, and others, are hosted in PostgreSQL. This provides a relational structure for asset metadata and promotes accessible, structured access when required.

NLP models makes use of two Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) models, both of which operate within a Docker environment for natural language processing (NLP). The following models run multi-label classification pipelines that have been fine-tuned on an in-house dataset of 50k manually labeled tweets.

  • proSENT model: This model specializes in identifying 28 unique emotional sentiments. It owes its comprehensive language understanding to training on a corpus of more than 1.5 million unique cryptocurrency-related social media posts.
  • proCRYPT model: This model is fine-tuned for crypto sentiment analysis, classifying sentiments as bullish, bearish, or neutral. The deployment architecture encapsulates both these models within a Docker container alongside a FastAPI server. This internal API acts as the conduit for running inferences.

To ensure a seamless and efficient build process, Hugging Face’s model hub is used to store the models. The models and their binary files are retrieved directly from Hugging Face during the Docker container’s build phase. This approach keeps the Docker container lean by downloading the models at runtime, thereby optimizing the build process and contributing to the overall operational efficiency of the application.

Deployment’s deployment pipeline is composed of GitHub Actions, AWS CodeDeploy, and accelerated computing instances. This pipeline forms a coherent system for efficiently handling application updates and resource allocation:

  1. GitHub Actions: The onset of the pipeline employs GitHub Actions, which are programmed to autonomously instigate a fresh deployment upon the push of any modifications to the production branch. This procedural design ensures the application continually operates on the most recent, vetted code version.
  2. AWS CodeDeploy: The subsequent phase involves AWS CodeDeploy, which is triggered once GitHub Actions have successfully compiled and transferred the Docker image to the Elastic Container Registry (ECR). CodeDeploy is tasked with the automatic deployment of this updated Docker image to the GPU-optimized instances. This robust orchestration ensures smooth rollouts and establishes a reliable rollback plan if necessary.
  3. Accelerated computing: Prometeo leverages NVIDIA Tesla GPUs for the computational prowess needed for executing complex BERT models. These GPU-optimized instances are tailored for NVIDIA-CUDA Docker image compatibility, thereby facilitating GPU acceleration, which significantly expedites the processing and analysis stages.

Below is a snippet demonstrating the configuration to exploit the GPU capabilities of the instances:

           - driver: nvidia
             capabilities: [gpu]

Please note that the image must be the same version as your CUDA version after running nvidia-smi:

FROM nvidia/cuda:12.1.0-base-ubuntu20.04

To maintain optimal performance under fluctuating load conditions, an autoscaling mechanism is incorporated. This solution perpetually monitors CPU utilization, dynamically scaling the number of instances up or down as dictated by the load. This ensures that the application always has access to the appropriate resources for efficient execution.


By harnessing Docker’s containerization capabilities and compatibility with NVIDIA-CUDA images, successfully manages intensive, real-time emotion analysis in the digital assets domain. Docker’s role in this strategy is pivotal, providing an environment that enables resource optimization and seamless integration with other services.’s implementation demonstrates Docker’s potential to handle sophisticated computational tasks. The orchestration of Docker with GPU-optimized instances and cloud-based services exhibits a scalable and efficient infrastructure for high-frequency, near-real-time data analysis.

Do you have an interesting use case or story about Docker in your AI/ML workflow? We would love to hear from you and maybe even share your story.

Learn more

Supercharging AI/ML Development with JupyterLab and Docker Mon, 24 Jul 2023 18:46:46 +0000 JupyterLab is an open source application built around the concept of a computational notebook document. It enables sharing and executing code, data processing, visualization, and offers a range of interactive features for creating graphs. 

The latest version, JupyterLab 4.0, was released in early June. Compared to its predecessors, this version features a faster Web UI, improved editor performance, a new Extension Manager, and real-time collaboration.

If you have already installed the standalone 3.x version, evaluating the new features will require rewriting your current environment, which can be labor-intensive and risky. However, in environments where Docker operates, such as Docker Desktop, you can start an isolated JupyterLab 4.0 in a container without affecting your installed JupyterLab environment. Of course, you can run these without impacting the existing environment and access them on a different port. 

In this article, we show how to quickly evaluate the new features of JupyterLab 4.0 using Jupyter Docker Stacks on Docker Desktop, without affecting the host PC side.

Docker and Jupyter logos shown on light blue background with intersecting darker blue lines

Why containerize JupyterLab?

Users have downloaded the base image of JupyterLab Notebook stack Docker Official Image more than 10 million times from Docker Hub. What’s driving this significant download rate? There’s an ever-increasing demand for Docker containers to streamline development workflows, while allowing JupyterLab developers to innovate with their choice of project-tailored tools, application stacks, and deployment environments. Our JupyterLab notebook stack official image also supports both AMD64 and Arm64/v8 platforms.

Containerizing the JupyterLab environment offers numerous benefits, including the following:

  • Containerization ensures that your JupyterLab environment remains consistent across different deployments. Whether you’re running JupyterLab on your local machine, in a development environment, or in a production cluster, using the same container image guarantees a consistent setup. This approach helps eliminate compatibility issues and ensures that your notebooks behave the same way across different environments.
  • Packaging JupyterLab in a container allows you to easily share your notebook environment with others, regardless of their operating system or setup. This eliminates the need for manually installing dependencies and configuring the environment, making it easier to collaborate and share reproducible research or workflows. And this is particularly helpful in AI/ML projects, where reproducibility is crucial.
  • Containers enable scalability, allowing you to scale your JupyterLab environment based on the workload requirements. You can easily spin up multiple containers running JupyterLab instances, distribute the workload, and take advantage of container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes for efficient resource management. This becomes increasingly important in AI/ML development, where resource-intensive tasks are common.

Getting started

To use JupyterLab on your computer, one option is to use the JupyterLab Desktop application. It’s based on Electron, so it operates with a GUI on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Indeed, using JupyterLab Desktop makes the installation process fairly simple. In a Windows environment, however, you’ll also need to set up the Python language separately, and, to extend the capabilities, you’ll need to use pip to set up packages.

Although such a desktop solution may be simpler than building from scratch, we think the combination of Docker Desktop and Docker Stacks is still the more straightforward option. With JupyterLab Desktop, you cannot mix multiple versions or easily delete them after evaluation. Above all, it does not provide a consistent user experience across Windows, macOS, and Linux.

On a Windows command prompt, execute the following command to launch a basic notebook: 

docker container run -it --rm -p 10000:8888 jupyter/base-notebook

This command utilizes the jupyter/base-notebook Docker image, maps the host’s port 10000 to the container’s port 8888, and enables command input and a pseudo-terminal. Additionally, an option is added to delete the container once the process is completed.

After waiting for the Docker image to download, access and token information will be displayed on the command prompt as follows. Here, rewrite the URL to and then append the token to the end of this URL. In this example, the output will look like this:

Note that this token is specific to my environment, so copying it will not work for you. You should replace it with the one actually displayed on your command prompt.

Then, after waiting for a short while, JupyterLab will launch (Figure 1). From here, you can start a Notebook, access Python’s console environment, or utilize other work environments.

Screenshot of JupyterLab page showing file list, Notebook, Python console, and other launch options.
Figure 1. The page after entering the JupyterLab token. The left side is a file list, and the right side allows you to open Notebook creation, Python console, etc.

The port 10000 on the host side is mapped to port 8888 inside the container, as shown in Figure 2.

Screenshot showing host port 10000 mapped to container port 8888.
Figure 2. The host port 10000 is mapped to port 8888 inside the container.

In the Password or token input form on the screen, enter the token displayed in the command line or in the container logs (the string following token=), and select Log in, as shown in Figure 3.

Screenshot showing Token authentication setup.
Figure 3. Enter the token that appears in the container logs.

By the way, in this environment, the data will be erased when the container is stopped. If you want to reuse your data even after stopping the container, create a volume by adding the -v option when launching the Docker container.

To stop this container environment, click CTRL-C on the command prompt, then respond to the Jupyter server’s prompt Shutdown this Jupyter server (y/[n])? with y and press enter. If you are using Docker Desktop, stop the target container from the Containers.

Shutdown this Jupyter server (y/[n])? y
[C 2023-06-26 01:39:52.997 ServerApp] Shutdown confirmed
[I 2023-06-26 01:39:52.998 ServerApp] Shutting down 5 extensions
[I 2023-06-26 01:39:52.998 ServerApp] Shutting down 1 kernel
[I 2023-06-26 01:39:52.998 ServerApp] Kernel shutdown: 653f7c27-03ff-4604-a06c-2cb4630c098d

Once the display changes as follows, the container is terminated and the data is deleted.

When the container is running, data is saved in the /home/jovyan/work/ directory inside the container. You can either bind mount this as a volume or allocate it as a volume when starting the container. By doing so, even if you stop the container, you can use the same data again when you restart the container:

docker container run -it -p 10000:8888 \
    -v “%cd%”:/home/jovyan/work \

Note: The \ symbol signifies that the command line continues on the command prompt. You may also write the command in a single line without using the \ symbol. However, in the case of Windows command prompt, you need to use the ^ symbol instead.

With this setup, when launched, the JupyterLab container mounts the /work/ directory to the folder where the docker container run command was executed. Because the data persists even when the container is stopped, you can continue using your Notebook data as it is when you start the container again.

Plotting using the famous Iris flower dataset

In the following example, we’ll use the Iris flower dataset, which consists of 150 records in total, with 50 samples from each of three types of Iris flowers (Iris setosa, Iris virginica, Iris versicolor). Each record consists of four numerical attributes (sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width) and one categorical attribute (type of iris). This data is included in the Python library scikit-learn, and we will use matplotlib to plot this data.

When trying to input the sample code from the scikit-learn page (the code is at the bottom of the page, and you can copy and paste it) into iPython, the following error occurs (Figure 4).

Screenshot showing error message "No module named matplotlib".
Figure 4. Error message occurred due to missing “matplotlib” module.

This is an error message on iPython stating that the “matplotlib” module does not exist. Additionally, the “scikit-learn” module is needed.

To avoid these errors and enable plotting, run the following command. Here, !pip signifies running the pip command within the iPython environment:

!pip install matplotlib scikit-learn

By pasting and executing the earlier sample code in the next cell on iPython, you can plot and display the Iris dataset as shown in Figure 5.

Screenshot showing two generated plots of the dataset.
Figure 5. When the sample code runs successfully, two images will be output.

Note that it can be cumbersome to use the !pip command to add modules every time. Fortunately, you can add also add modules in the following ways:

  • By creating a dedicated Dockerfile
  • By using an existing group of images called Jupyter Docker Stacks

Building a Docker image

If you’re familiar with Dockerfile and building images, this five-step method is easy. Also, this approach can help keep the Docker image size in check. 

Step 1. Creating a directory

To build a Docker image, the first step is to create and navigate to the directory where you’ll place your Dockerfile and context:

mkdir myjupyter && cd myjupyter

Step 2. Creating a requirements.txt file

Create a requirements.txt file and list the Python modules you want to add with the pip command:


Step 3. Writing a Dockerfile

FROM jupyter/base-notebook
COPY ./requirements.txt /home/jovyan/work
RUN python -m pip install --no-cache -r requirements.txt

This Dockerfile specifies a base image jupyter/base-notebook, copies the requirements.txt file from the local directory to the /home/jovyan/work directory inside the container, and then runs a pip install command to install the Python packages listed in the requirements.txt file.

Step 4. Building the Docker image

docker image build -t myjupyter

Step 5. Launching the container

docker container run -it -p 10000:8888 \
    -v “%cd%”:/home/jovyan/work \

Here’s what each part of this command does:

  • The docker run command instructs Docker to run a container.
  • The -it  option attaches an interactive terminal to the container.
  • The -p 10000:8888 maps port 10000 on the host machine to port 8888 inside the container. This allows you to access Jupyter Notebook running in the container via http://localhost:10000 in your web browser.
  • The -v "%cd%":/home/jovyan/work mounts the current directory (%cd%) on the host machine to the /home/jovyan/work directory inside the container. This enables sharing files between the host and the Jupyter Notebook.

In this example, myjupyter is the name of the Docker image you want to run. Make sure you have the appropriate image available on your system. The operation after startup is the same as before. You don’t need to add libraries with the !pip command because the necessary libraries are included from the start.

How to use Jupyter Docker Stacks’ images

To execute the JupyterLab environment, we will utilize a Docker image called jupyter/scipy-notebook from the Jupyter Docker Stacks. Please note that the running Notebook will be terminated. After entering Ctrl-C on the command prompt, enter y and specify the running container.

Then, enter the following to run a new container:

docker container run -it -p 10000:8888 \
    -v “%cd%”:/home/jovyan/work \

​​This command will run a container using the jupyter/scipy-notebook image, which provides a Jupyter Notebook environment with additional scientific libraries. 

Here’s a breakdown of the command:

  • The docker run command starts a new container.
  • The -it option attaches an interactive terminal to the container.
  • The -p 10000:8888 maps port 10000 on the host machine to port 8888 inside the container, allowing access to Jupyter Notebook at http://localhost:10000.
  • The -v "$(pwd)":/home/jovyan/work mounts the current directory ($(pwd)) on the host machine to the /home/jovyan/work directory inside the container. This enables sharing files between the host and the Jupyter Notebook.
  • The jupyter/scipy-notebook is the name of the Docker image used for the container. Make sure you have this image available on your system.

The previous JupyterLab image was a minimal Notebook environment. The image we are using this time includes many packages used in the scientific field, such as numpy and pandas, so it may take some time to download the Docker image. This one is close to 4GB in image size.

Once the container is running, you should be able to run the Iris dataset sample immediately without having to execute pip like before. Give it a try.

Some images include TensorFlow’s deep learning library, ones for the R language, Julia programming language, and Apache Spark. See the image list page for details.

In a Windows environment, you can easily run and evaluate the new version of JupyterLab 4.0 using Docker Desktop. Doing so will not affect or conflict with the existing Python language environment. Furthermore, this setup provides a consistent user experience across other platforms, such as macOS and Linux, making it the ideal solution for those who want to try it.


By containerizing JupyterLab with Docker, AI/ML developers gain numerous advantages, including consistency, easy sharing and collaboration, and scalability. It enables efficient management of AI/ML development workflows, making it easier to experiment, collaborate, and reproduce results across different environments. With JupyterLab 4.0 and Docker, the possibilities for supercharging your AI/ML development are limitless. So why wait? Embrace containerization and experience the true power of JupyterLab in your AI/ML projects.


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How Kinsta Improved the End-to-End Development Experience by Dockerizing Every Step of the Production Cycle Tue, 11 Jul 2023 14:20:00 +0000 Guest author Amin Choroomi is an experienced software developer at Kinsta. Passionate about Docker and Kubernetes, he specializes in application development and DevOps practices. His expertise lies in leveraging these transformative technologies to streamline deployment processes and enhance software scalability.

One of the biggest challenges of developing and maintaining cloud-native applications at the enterprise level is having a consistent experience through the entire development lifecycle. This process is even harder for remote companies with distributed teams working on different platforms, with different setups, and asynchronous communication. 

At Kinsta, we have projects of all sizes for application hosting, database hosting, and managed WordPress hosting. We need to provide a consistent, reliable, and scalable solution that allows:

  • Developers and quality assurance teams, regardless of their operating systems, to create a straightforward and minimal setup for developing and testing features.
  • DevOps, SysOps, and Infrastructure teams to configure and maintain staging and production environments.
Kinsta logo on blue background with white arrows

Overcoming the challenge of developing cloud-native applications on a distributed team

At Kinsta, we rely heavily on Docker for this consistent experience at every step, from development to production. In this article, we’ll walk you through:

  • How to leverage Docker Desktop to increase developers’ productivity.
  • How we build Docker images and push them to Google Container Registry via CI pipelines with CircleCI and GitHub Actions.
  • How we use CD pipelines to promote incremental changes to production using Docker images, Google Kubernetes Engine, and Cloud Deploy.
  • How the QA team seamlessly uses prebuilt Docker images in different environments.

Using Docker Desktop to improve the developer experience

Running an application locally requires developers to meticulously prepare the environment, install all the dependencies, set up servers and services, and make sure they are properly configured. When you run multiple applications, this approach can be cumbersome, especially when it comes to complex projects with multiple dependencies. And, when you introduce multiple contributors with multiple operating systems, chaos is installed. To prevent this, we use Docker.

With Docker, you can declare the environment configurations, install the dependencies, and build images with everything where it should be. Anyone, anywhere, with any OS can use the same images and have exactly the same experience as anyone else.

Declare your configuration with Docker Compose

To get started, you need to create a Docker Compose file, docker-compose.yml. This is a declarative configuration file written in YAML format that tells Docker your application’s desired state. Docker uses this information to set up the environment for your application.

Docker Compose files come in handy when you have more than one container running and there are dependencies between containers.

To create your docker-compose.yml file:

  1. Start by choosing an image as the base for our application. Search on Docker Hub to find a Docker image that already contains your app’s dependencies. Make sure to use a specific image tag to avoid errors. Using the latest tag can cause unforeseen errors in your application. You can use multiple base images for multiple dependencies — for example, one for PostgreSQL and one for Redis.
  2. Use volumes to persist data on your host if you need to. Persisting data on the host machine helps you avoid losing data if Docker containers are deleted or if you have to recreate them.
  3. Use networks to isolate your setup to avoid network conflicts with the host and other containers. It also helps your containers to find and communicate with each other easily.

Bringing it all together, we have a docker-compose.yml that looks like this:

version: '3.8'

    image: postgres:14.7-alpine3.17
    hostname: mk_db
    restart: on-failure
      - ${DB_PORT:-5432}:5432
      - db_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      POSTGRES_USER: ${DB_USER:-user}
      POSTGRES_DB: ${DB_NAME:-main}
      - mk_network
    image: redis:6.2.11-alpine3.17
    hostname: mk_redis
    restart: on-failure
      - ${REDIS_PORT:-6379}:6379
      - mk_network

    name: mk_network

Containerize the application

Build a Docker image for your application

To begin, we need to build a Docker image using a Dockerfile, and then call that from docker-compose.yml.

Follow these five steps to create your Dockerfile file:

1. Start by choosing an image as a base. Use the smallest base image that works for the app. Usually, alpine images are minimal with nearly zero extra packages installed. You can start with an alpine image and build on top of that:

   FROM node:18.15.0-alpine3.17

2. Sometimes you need to use a specific CPU architecture to avoid conflicts. For example, suppose that you use an arm64-based processor but you need to build an amd64 image. You can do that by specifying the -- platform in Dockerfile:

   FROM --platform=amd64 node:18.15.0-alpine3.17

3. Define the application directory and install the dependencies and copy the output to your root directory:

    WORKDIR /opt/app 
    COPY package.json yarn.lock ./ 
    RUN yarn install 
    COPY . .

4. Call the Dockerfile from docker-compose.yml:

          context: .
          dockerfile: Dockerfile
          - "linux/amd64"
        command: yarn dev
        restart: on-failure
          - ${PORT:-4000}:${PORT:-4000}
          - mk_network
          - redis
          - db

5. Implement auto-reload so that when you change something in the source code, you can preview your changes immediately without having to rebuild the application manually. To do that, build the image first, then run it in a separate service:

      ... redis
      ... db
        image: myapp
          context: .
          dockerfile: Dockerfile
        image: myapp
          - "linux/amd64"
        command: yarn dev
        restart: on-failure
          - ${PORT:-4000}:${PORT:-4000}
          - .:/opt/app
          - node_modules:/opt/app/node_modules
          - mk_network
          - redis
          - db
          - build-docker

Pro tip: Note that node_modules is also mounted explicitly to avoid platform-specific issues with packages. This means that, instead of using the node_modules on the host, the Docker container uses its own but maps it on the host in a separate volume.

Incrementally build the production images with continuous integration 

The majority of our apps and services use CI/CD for deployment, and Docker plays an important role in the process. Every change in the main branch immediately triggers a build pipeline through either GitHub Actions or CircleCI. The general workflow is simple: It installs the dependencies, runs the tests, builds the Docker image, and pushes it to Google Container Registry (or Artifact Registry). In this article, we’ll describe the build step.

Building the Docker images

We use multi-stage builds for security and performance reasons.

Stage 1: Builder

In this stage, we copy the entire code base with all source and configuration, install all dependencies, including dev dependencies, and build the app. It creates a dist/ folder and copies the built version of the code there. This image is way too large, however, with a huge set of footprints to be used for production. Also, as we use private NPM registries, we use our private NPM_TOKEN in this stage as well. So, we definitely don’t want this stage to be exposed to the outside world. The only thing we need from this stage is the dist/ folder.

Stage 2: Production

Most people use this stage for runtime because it is close to what we need to run the app. However, we still need to install production dependencies, and that means we leave footprints and need the NPM_TOKEN. So, this stage is still not ready to be exposed. Here, you should also note the yarn cache clean on line 19. That tiny command cuts our image size by up to 60 percent.

Stage 3: Runtime

The last stage needs to be as slim as possible with minimal footprints. So, we just copy the fully baked app from production and move on. We put all those yarn and NPM_TOKEN stuff behind and only run the app.

This is the final Dockerfile.production:

# Stage 1: build the source code 
FROM node:18.15.0-alpine3.17 as builder 
WORKDIR /opt/app 
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./ 
RUN yarn install 
COPY . . 
RUN yarn build 

# Stage 2: copy the built version and build the production dependencies FROM node:18.15.0-alpine3.17 as production 
WORKDIR /opt/app 
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./ 
RUN yarn install --production && yarn cache clean 
COPY --from=builder /opt/app/dist/ ./dist/ 

# Stage 3: copy the production ready app to runtime 
FROM node:18.15.0-alpine3.17 as runtime 
WORKDIR /opt/app 
COPY --from=production /opt/app/ . 
CMD ["yarn", "start"]

Note that, for all the stages, we start copying package.json and yarn.lock files first, installing the dependencies, and then copying the rest of the code base. The reason for this is that Docker builds each command as a layer on top of the previous one, and each build could use the previous layers if available and only build the new layers for performance purposes. 

Let’s say you have changed something in src/services/service1.ts without touching the packages. That means the first four layers of the builder stage are untouched and could be reused. This approach makes the build process incredibly faster.

Pushing the app to Google Container Registry through CircleCI pipelines

There are several ways to build a Docker image in CircleCI pipelines. In our case, we chose to use circleci/gcp-gcr orbs:

Minimum configuration is needed to build and push our app, thanks to Docker.

      - image: cimg/base:2023.03
  gcp-gcr: circleci/gcp-gcr@0.15.1
    description: Build & push image to Google Artifact Registry
    executor: docker-executor
      - gcp-gcr/build-image:
          image: my-app
          dockerfile: Dockerfile.production
          tag: ${CIRCLE_SHA1:0:7},latest
      - gcp-gcr/push-image:
          image: my-app
          tag: ${CIRCLE_SHA1:0:7},latest

Pushing the app to Google Container Registry through GitHub Actions

As an alternative to CircleCI, we can use GitHub Actions to deploy the application continuously.

We set up gcloud and build and push the Docker image to

    name: Setup, Build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Get Image Tag
      run: |
        echo "TAG=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_ENV

    - uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@master
        service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GCP_SA_KEY }}
        project_id: ${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}

    - run: |-
        gcloud --quiet auth configure-docker

    - name: Build
      run: |-
        docker build \
          --tag "${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}/my-app:$TAG" \
          --tag "${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}/my-app:latest" \

    - name: Push
      run: |-
        docker push "${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}/my-app:$TAG"
        docker push "${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}/my-app:latest"

With every small change pushed to the main branch, we build and push a new Docker image to the registry.

Deploying changes to Google Kubernetes Engine using Google Delivery Pipelines

Having ready-to-use Docker images for each and every change also makes it easier to deploy to production or roll back in case something goes wrong. We use Google Kubernetes Engine to manage and serve our apps, and we use Google Cloud Deploy and Delivery Pipelines for our continuous deployment process.

When the Docker image is built after each small change (with the CI pipeline shown previously), we take one step further and deploy the change to our dev cluster using gcloud. Let’s look at that step in CircleCI pipeline:

- run:
    name: Create new release
    command: gcloud deploy releases create release-${CIRCLE_SHA1:0:7} --delivery-pipeline my-del-pipeline --region $REGION --annotations commitId=$CIRCLE_SHA1 --images${PROJECT_ID}/my-app:${CIRCLE_SHA1:0:7}

This step triggers a release process to roll out the changes in our dev Kubernetes cluster. After testing and getting the approvals, we promote the change to staging and then production. This action is all possible because we have a slim isolated Docker image for each change that has almost everything it needs. We only need to tell the deployment which tag to use.

How the Quality Assurance team benefits from this process

The QA team needs mostly a pre-production cloud version of the apps to be tested. However, sometimes they need to run a prebuilt app locally (with all the dependencies) to test a certain feature. In these cases, they don’t want or need to go through all the pain of cloning the entire project, installing npm packages, building the app, facing developer errors, and going over the entire development process to get the app up and running.

Now that everything is already available as a Docker image on Google Container Registry, all the QA team needs is a service in Docker compose file:

    restart: on-failure
      - ${PORT:-4000}:${PORT:-4000}
      - NODE_ENV=production
      - REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379
      - DATABASE_URL=postgresql://${DB_USER:-user}:${DB_PASSWORD:-password}@db:5432/main
      - mk_network
      - redis
      - db

With this service, the team can spin up the application on their local machines using Docker containers by running:

docker compose up

This is a huge step toward simplifying testing processes. Even if QA decides to test a specific tag of the app, they can easily change the image tag on line 6 and re-run the Docker compose command. Even if they decide to compare different versions of the app simultaneously, they can easily achieve that with a few tweaks. The biggest benefit is to keep our QA team away from developer challenges.

Advantages of using Docker

  • Almost zero footprints for dependencies: If you ever decide to upgrade the version of Redis or PostgreSQL, you can just change one line and re-run the app. There’s no need to change anything on your system. Additionally, if you have two apps that both need Redis (maybe even with different versions) you can have both running in their own isolated environment, without any conflicts with each other.
  • Multiple instances of the app: There are many cases where we need to run the same app with a different command, such as initializing the DB, running tests, watching DB changes, or listening to messages. In each of these cases, because we already have the built image ready, we just add another service to the Docker compose file with a different command, and we’re done.
  • Easier testing environment: More often than not, you just need to run the app. You don’t need the code, the packages, or any local database connections. You only want to make sure the app works properly, or need a running instance as a backend service while you’re working on your own project. That could also be the case for QA, Pull Request reviewers, or even UX folks who want to make sure their design has been implemented properly. Our Docker setup makes it easy for all of them to take things going without having to deal with too many technical issues.

Learn more

Compiling Qt with Docker Using Caching Tue, 23 Feb 2021 15:56:44 +0000 This is a guest post from Viktor Petersson, CEO of Screenly is the most popular digital signage product for the Raspberry Pi. Find Viktor on Twitter @vpetersson.

In the previous blog post, we talked about how we compile Qt for Screenly OSE using Docker’s nifty multi-stage and multi-platform features. In this article, we build on this topic further and zoom in on caching. 

Docker does a great job with caching using layers. Each command (e.g., RUN, ADD, etc.) generates a layer, which Docker then reuses in future builds unless something changes. As always, there are exceptions to this process, but this is generally speaking true. Another type of caching is caching for a particular operation, such as compiling source code, inside a container.

At Screenly, we created a Qt build environment inside a Docker container. We created this Qt build to ensure that the build process was reproducible and easy to share among developers. Since the Qt compilation process takes a long time, we leveraged ccache to speed up our Qt compilation. Implementing ccache requires volume mounting a folder from outside of the Docker environment. 

The above steps work well if you are the only developer working on the project. What happens if you want to be able to have a shared cache across a team?

There are a few ways to accomplish this style of caching in Docker. 

The easiest way to establish a shared cache is by following what we did in the previous article. We used disk cache along with some neat features for speeding up caching in BuildKit. We then compressed the cached files and distributed them to team members. The process is not very elegant, but it gets the job done. 

If we want to automate the process a bit further, we can include retrieving the cache as part of the build process. An example of this could looks like this:

RUN curl -o /tmp/build-cache.tgz && \
	tar xfz /tmp/build-cache.tgz -C /tmp && \
	rm /tmp/build-cache.tgz

This process above is neat, but it does mean that someone will need to periodically upload the build cache in order to keep cache files fresh. In addition, you need somewhere to store the files (such as S3).

It would be nice if we could avoid manual tasks and use native Docker technologies to do the same thing, right? As it turns out, we can use Docker to improve the process. We just need to use our imagination. 

As we showed in the previous article, we can use multi-stage builds to copy data between different docker images. What if we move the cache to a dedicated Docker image? We can then push this image to Docker Hub and pull it into the build process. 

The process is straightforward. Start by creating two different images in Docker Hub. Call them screenly/build-cache and screenly/build-env. Building on the previous article, we use this Dockerfile as the basis for screenly/build-env.

In the Dockerfile, we set the environment variable CCACHE_DIR to /src/ccache. This step tells ccache that the cache resides in /src/ccache. In the previous post, the step was just a volume mount to the system. However, in this case, we want to alter this step so that the cache lives outside of /src, as this is used for volume mounting the code base, such as /usr/ccache.

We can now launch the container with:

$ docker run --rm -t \
    -v ~/tmp/qt-src:/src \
    -v ~/tmp/qt-build:/build \
    -v ~/tmp/ccache:/usr/ccache \

After you have run through your compilation, you can now build and push our cache image. The final Dockerfile will look like this:

FROM scratch
COPY ccache /ccache

To build this image, use the following code:

$ cd ~/tmp
$ docker build \
-f /path/to/Dockerfile \
-t screenly/build-cache
$ docker push screenly/build-cache

Finally, you can now include this layer in the Dockerfile for screenly/build-env. Add the line:

COPY --from=screenly/build-cache /ccache /usr/ccache

Next time you rebuild screenly/build-env, Docker will automatically pull down the cache. Also, you only need to add volume mounting when you are refreshing the cache. 

About Screenly

Screenly is the most popular digital signage product for the Raspberry Pi. If you want to turn a physical screen into a secure, remote-managed device (over UI or digital signage API), Screenly makes setup a breeze. Users can display beautiful dashboards, images, videos, and web page content.

Screenly is available in two flavors: an open source version and a commercial version. You can try out our commercial version with a 14-day free trial.

Compiling Qt with Docker multi-stage and multi-platform Wed, 23 Dec 2020 15:00:00 +0000 This is a guest post from Viktor Petersson, CEO of Screenly is the most popular digital signage product for the Raspberry Pi. Find Viktor on Twitter @vpetersson.

For those not familiar with Qt, it is a cross-platform development framework that is used in a wide range of products, including cars (Tesla), digital signs (Screenly), and airplanes (Lufthansa). Needless to say, Qt is very powerful. One thing you cannot say about the Qt framework, however, is that it is easy to compile — at least for embedded devices. The countless blog posts, forum threads, and Stack Overflow posts on the topic reveal that compiling Qt is a common headache.

As long-term Qt users, we have had our fair share of battles with it at Screenly. We migrated to Qt for our commercial digital signage software a number of years ago, and since then, we have been very happy with both its performance and flexibility. Recently, we decided to migrate our open source digital signage software (Screenly OSE) to Qt as well. Since these projects share no code base, this was a greenfield opportunity that allowed us to start afresh and explore exciting new technologies for the build process.

Because compiling Qt (and QtWebEngine) is a very heavy operation, we would need to pre-compile and distribute Qt so that the Dockerfile could simply download and include it in the build process (rather than compiling as part of the installation process).

We sat down and created the following requirements for our build process:

  • The process must be fully automated from start to finish.
  • We need to be able to build Qt/QtWebEngine for all supported Raspberry Pi boards (with the appropriate Qt device profile).
  • We should use cross compilation on x86 to speed up the process where it makes sense.
  • We need to be able to run the full process on CI, and thus cannot rely on a Raspberry Pi.
  • We should confine everything to run inside Docker containers so we do not clutter the host with build packages.

With the above goals in mind, we had a great opportunity to try out the new multi-platform support in Docker. Used in conjunction with multi-stage builds, we were able to get the best of both worlds:

  • Use emulation where we cannot cross-compile
  • Switch to cross-compilation for the heavy lifting

How does multi-platform in Docker work?

The easiest way to use multi-platform functionality in Docker is to invoke it from the command line. Using the docker buildx, we can tap into new beta functionalities. By running docker buildx build --platform linux/arm/v7 -t arm-build . This command builds the docker image as per the `Dockerfile` in the current directory using ARMv7 emulation. Behind the scenes, Docker runs the whole Docker build process in a QEMU virtualized environment (qemu-user-static to be precise). By doing this, the complexity of setting up a custom VM is removed. Once built, we can even use docker run to launch containers in ARMv7 mode automagically.

Multi-platform, multi-stage and Qt

While multi-platform functionality is a great stand-alone feature, it gets even more powerful when combined with multi-stage builds. Within a single Dockerfile, we’re able to mix and match platforms and copy between the steps. This functionality is exactly what we ended up doing with the Qt build process for Screenly OSE.

Stage 1: ARM

Thanks to the fine folks over at Balena, we are able to use a Raspbian base image in the first stage. We can invoke this step using:

FROM --platform=linux/arm/v7 balenalib/rpi-raspbian:buster as builder

After the above step, we can use Docker as we normally do and execute various RUN commands, such as installing packages etc.. Do note that this container is running emulated using QEMU if the build is not run on ARMv7 hardware. In our case, we use the command to install the Qt build dependencies. The above step also allows us to fully eliminate the need for copying files from either a disk image (which is what the Qt Wiki suggests) or rsync files from a physical Raspberry Pi. 

Stage 2: x86

Once we have installed our dependencies in our ARM step, we can switch over to the builder’s native x86 architecture to avoid emulation and do the cross compile with the following line:

FROM --platform=linux/amd64 debian:buster

Now, we are onto the interesting part. After we have switched over to x86, we can copy files from the previous step. We do this in order to create a sysroot that we can use for Qt. We complete this step by running the following commands:

RUN mkdir -p /sysroot/usr /sysroot/opt /sysroot/lib

COPY --from=builder /lib/ /sysroot/lib/

COPY --from=builder /usr/include/ /sysroot/usr/include/

COPY --from=builder /usr/lib/ /sysroot/usr/lib/

COPY --from=builder /opt/vc/ sysroot/opt/vc/

We now have the best of both worlds. By taking advantage of both multi-step and multi-platform functionality, we generate a sysroot that we can use to build Qt. Since we used a fully functional Raspbian image in our previous step, we are even able to get Qt to pick up all existing libraries.

./configure \
-sysroot /sysroot

As we mentioned in the introduction, compiling Qt is far from straightforward. There are a lot of steps required to compile it successfully. To learn more about the exact steps, you can see the full Dockerfile and script

To emulate or not to emulate…

Being able to emulate a platform like ARM is amazing and provides a lot of flexibility. However, it does come at a cost. There is a big performance penalty. This issue is the reason why we do not actually compile Qt using emulation. Instead, we use cross-compilation. If you have the ability to cross-compile rather than emulate, know that cross-compilation will give you much better performance.

About Screenly

Screenly is the most popular digital signage product for the Raspberry Pi. If you want to turn a physical screen into a secure, remotely-controllable device (over UI or digital signage API) that can display dashboards, images, videos, and webpages, Screenly makes setup a breeze. Screenly is available in two flavors: an open source version and a commercial version
